因為有了Dante Coffee,您隨時隨地都能享受到一杯好咖啡、精緻的餐點、浪漫動人的音樂、和一個舒適、自由、無壓力的空間。丹堤咖啡的出現,也引領了一股自1993年至今仍持續不退的平價咖啡風潮。
來到Dante Coffee,一個專業、快速、乾淨、舒適的喝咖啡休憩環境。我們建立了專屬的品牌─運用深綠色穩重的視覺效果,打造品牌現代、舒適的感受,更賦予丹堤咖啡親切熟悉的獨特風格。店內的設計以『後現代』風格搭配鮮明色彩,加上四周隨時環繞著浪漫的爵士樂聲,在丹堤咖啡,處處充滿了精緻的生活體驗。
在平價連鎖咖啡市場位居領導地位的Dante Coffee,以"精緻超值"的品牌形象與高品質、快速的服務,在咖啡市場上已屹立不搖。多年來,我們不斷以『創新』的理念,研發各式咖啡的新口味與多元化的精緻餐點,採區域行銷策略,深入各個社區、商圈、校園、廠區,因為我們深信,未來咖啡消費會愈來愈趨向生活化,喝咖啡將成為大家生活的一部份,每天1~2杯的咖啡飲用,唯有平價消費才能讓人們在無壓力的情境下,恣意啜飲。
Dante Coffee launched its first store in Taipei on November 12, 1993. At that time, coffee was a luxury in Taiwan. There were few people who were able to pay the high price of coffee.
In order to bring the coffee culture into people's life, Dante Coffee became the first coffee shop to provide its costumers with high quality coffee at an affordable price.
With its exquisite modern style and high quality service, Dante Coffee has established a solid position in the coffee market. After years of continuous refinement of various flavors and delicious meals, Dante Coffee has adopted a regional marketing strategy to cultivate different segments of the market. There are now around 129 Dante coffee shops in the greater Taipei area, and this number is increasing every month.
The Company believes in providing its customers with the highest quality meals and drinks at an affordable price. Dante Coffee shops are built to provide a relaxing, and enjoyable atmosphere for its costumers. A break from the everyday! |
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